tirsdag den 18. juni 2013

Returned to Denmark

A year has passed and I'm now back in Denmark. I arrived in Copenhagen airport June the 5th where my family and grandparents welcomed me with big hugs and as a tradition the danish flag. It was amazing to see all of them again and especially my little sister who ran into my arms when I walked out of the door in the airport. A little bit after an hour ride with the ferry we returned to Aarhus the 2nd biggest city in Denmark. The weather was beautiful about 20 degrees celsius. It was unbelievable to see everything again and driving down the same familiar road even though not much had changed. In front of my house, my family, best friends and neighbor were waiting with flags and a big banner saying "Welcome home Julie". It was the best surprise I could ever get! I really enjoyed the day with delicious food and great people around me.

A week after arriving home from United States, I went to McDonalds in hope of a job before I'm starting gymnasium in the middle of August. I'm sooo excited for one more new chapter in life! Since I returned home I've met with some of my friends for shopping in Aarhus, visit my new little cousin who is really cute and I've visit my grandparents for lunch and dinner. It's fantastic to be on summer break and just relax. Saturday I'm going to hang out with my friend Ida who I traveled to Hawaii and Florida with. Going to Hawaii was probably one of the best decisions I made. I had so much fun with a lot of exchange students from all over the world!

Nothing could have prepared me for the adventure I would have, the American culture I would experience and the wonderful memories I would make. I was surprised by how quickly my exchange went by.

   Before I left Denmark and when I returned June the 5th 2013

mandag den 3. juni 2013

The Last Chapter

Woow, så er vi ved vejs ende folkens! Dette bliver mit sidste indlæg før jeg er hjemme i Danmark igen. I 10 måneder har jeg været hjemmefra og oplevet USA som udvekslingsstudent på egen hånd. Hvilken oplevelse det har været kan ikke beskrives, men jeg er så taknemlig for alle de søde mennesker jeg har mødt i løbet af året. I dag har jeg gået og pakket mit værelse og alt mit tøj ned i en lille kuffert og i morgen er det så min tur til at vende snuden hjem til Danmark igen. Dette år har været noget at det mest fantastiske! Ja, tænk hvad man kan opleve på bare et år. Det er ikke bare minder jeg sidder tilbage med, men minder for livet. Det har været det hele værd og jeg har ikke fortrudt min beslutning et enkelt sekund. Det er hårdt at skulle sige farvel til mennesker man er kommet til at holde af, men som jeg sidder her og skriver kan jeg slet ikke vente til at se min familie og alle venner igen. Ja, som man siger "når enden er nær .. er alting godt"

Today is my last day back in South Carolina. I've been gone for almost 10 months and I still remember the day I arrived as it was yesterday. To live this kind of experience is impossible to describe but I'm sure it's memories that will last forever! I'm so thankful for all the people I met during the year and I'll save the best and most amazing moments in my head and my heart! To my family and friends back in DK I can't wait to see you all! :)